TNCC 2022 Updated Question

TNCC 2022 Exam Questions

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ENPC Written Test Answers

ENPC Practice Test Answers

01. A 15-year-old with a history of schizophrenia is taking risperidone (Risperdal) and lithium (Eskalith). She presents with dystonia, akinesia, a shuffling gait, muscle rigidity, and tremors. What does the nurse suspect is the cause of these signs and symptoms?
a. Extrapyramidal symptoms
b. Tardive dyskinesia
c. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
d. Serotonin syndrome

02. Which of the following burn injury patterns and history indicates suspected child maltreatment?
a. A 5-cm (2-inch) linear, superficial partial-thickness burn with irregular edges on the leg of a preschooler, reportedly from touching a curling iron left on a low table
b. A deep partial-thickness, sharply demarcated burn on the buttocks of a toddler, reportedly from the child turning on the hot water while in the bath
c. A 2-cm (0.75 inch) linear partial-thickness burn on the arm of toddler, reportedly from walking and bumping into a lighted cigarette
d. A partial-thickness burn with irregular edges and splash pattern on the chest and right hand of a 7-year-old reportedly spilling a bowl of soup from the microwave

02. A mother presents to the emergency department with a 6-week-old infant with no medical issues after a normal delivery, until yesterday. Mom states he has been eating poorly, vomiting, and that "he's hard to wake up." The infant is responsive only to painful stimuli. The anterior fontanel is bulging. He is mildly tachycardic, but otherwise vital signs are normal. What diagnostic evaluation will the nurse expect for this infant?
a. Upper gastrointestinal (GI) series
b. Skeletal survey
c. Lumbar puncture
d. Blood gas analysis

04. A malfunctioning oxygen tank explodes near a child's bed in the emergency department, resulting in an extensive burn injury to the child. Four nurses participate in the child's immediate care. Which nurse requires intervention after this critical incident?
a. One who refuses to participate in critical incident stress debriefing
b. One who readily talks about the incident and how he reacted
c. One who admits experiencing burnout and asks for a week leave of absence
d. One who is not sleeping because of dreams of the incident

05. Two ambulances collide in front of the hospital. The victims include three pediatric victims. Using the JumpSTART triage system, which category assignment will the nurse give to a 2-year-old who is lying on the ground, alert and crying with spontaneous respirations of 36 breaths/minute and present peripheral pulses?
a. Green
b. Yellow
c. Red
d. Black

06. An unresponsive 2-year-old child was found by his mother with a bottle labeled "Elavil 50 mg" by his side. Which piece of information is important to obtain from his mother?
A. The size of the medication bottle.
B. The expiration date of the medication.
C. The number of pills left in the bottle.
D. The person for whom the medication was prescribe.

07. A nurse providing crisis intervention to the family of a seriously ill child can best keep the family informed of the child's condition by:
A. Placing them in a secluded room.
B. Referring to their child as "the patient".
C. Telling the family how they should feel.
D. Appointing one staff member to communicate with them.

08. A 16-month-old child was an unrestrained front seat passenger in a motor vehicle crash. The chest x-ray reveals multiple rib fractures. These findings suggest what type of injury?
A. Minor surface injury.
B. Significant underlying injury.
C. Significant surface injury.
D. Minor underlying injury.

09. Which piece of information is most important to know prior to transferring a patient to another facility?
A. Documentation of the family's health insurance coverage.
B. Pertinent family health history.
C. Confirmation of acceptance from the receiving hospital.
D. Confirmation of a medical diagnosis.

10. A 10-year-old child who was struck by a car has a distended, tense abdomen. The child's heart rate is 144 beats/minute, respirations 24 breaths/minute, and blood pressure 120/80 mm Hg. Capillary refill is more than 3 seconds, and skin is pale and cool. The patient's signs and symptoms suggest:
A. Obstructive shock.
B. Distributive shock.
C. Hypovolemic shock.
D. Cardiogenic shock.

Ans:- 1:a, 2:b, 3:b, 4:d, 5:b, 6:c, 7:d, 8:b, 9:c, 10:c

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ENPC Exam Questions

ENPC Test Bank

01: In providing education to a family regarding obtaining baseline peak airway flow for a child with asthma, the nurse will recommend what time of day?
a. At bedtime
b. Before exercise
c. In the morning
d. After meals

02: The nurse is planning to begin oral rehydration therapy for a 9-month-old with mild dehydration. She provides the caregivers with a glucose and sodium solution and instructs them to administer small amounts:
a. Every 2 to 5 minutes
b. Every 10 to 12 minutes
c. Every 15 minutes
d. Every 30 minutes

03: Caregivers bring in their 3-week-old neonate and describe nonbilious vomiting after every feeding that is becoming more forceful over the past 24 hours. The last time he vomited the vomitus hit a chair 2 feet away. They say he cries, roots, and sucks vigorously on his pacifier right after vomiting as though still hungry. He is not experiencing any diarrhea. What condition is the most likely cause of these signs and symptoms?
a. Intussusception
b. Volvulus
c. Gastroenteritis
d. Pyloric stenosis

ENPC Study Guide PDF

ENPC Study Guide Quizlet 

01: What is the earliest symptom of local anesthetic toxicity?
a. Convulsions
b. Respiratory depression
c. Loss of pain
d. Tongue and circumoral numbness

02: An 18-year-old trauma patient has an epidural infusion of morphine prior to his knee surgery. Three hours later, he complains of itching and his respiratory rate is six breaths per minute. Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?
a. Naloxone
b. Oxygen
c. Diphenhydramine
d. Fluids

03: What is the most common reason for the chest not to rise with each breath during CPR?
a. Air is being delivered to the stomach
b. The breaths are being given at too rapidly
c. The airway is not clear
d. The trachea has collapsed

TNCC Exam Questions 2019

TNCC Exam Questions 2019

01: Which spinal nerve is involved with ankle dorsiflexion? 
a. S1
b. L5
c. L3
d. L1

02: Is it true, the term "medical necessity" is well defined and universally understood? 
Yes, most everyone agrees on the universal definition of "medical necessity"
No, there are varied definitions and a great deal of subjectivity surrounds the term
No, there is a universal definition, but it is rarely accepted
Yes, there are standards outlining "medical necessity"

03: Which of the following physical exam findings is an early sign of increased intracranial pressure (ICP)?
a. Hyperventilation
b. Unilateral dilated pupil reactive to light*
c. Hypotension
d. Obtundation

TNCC Test Answers

TNCC Exam Questions

11. A patient with a spinal cord injury at C5 is being cared for in the emergency department while awaiting transport to a trauma center. Which of the following represents the highest priority for ongoing assessment?
a. Monitor respiratory status
b. Administer balanced resuscitation fluid
c. Perform serial assessments of neurologic function
d. Observe for signs of distributive shock

12. What is the first step to stop a hemorrhage associated with an amputated extremity?
a. Elevate the extremity to the level of the heart
b. Initiate direct pressure
c. Apply a tourniquet
d. Splint the residual limb

13. Treatment for frostbite includes:
a. warm the affected part slowly over 30 to 60 minutes
b. use gentle friction to improve circulation.
c. administer aspirin.
d. leave blisters intact.

TNCC Test Questions

TNCC Exam Questions

1. What is the key to a high performing trauma team?
a. Individual goals
b. Use of the SBAR tool
c. Identification of a single decision maker
d. Consistent communication

2. When obtaining a history for an injured patient, determining energy transfer through biomechanical data helps the nurse to:
a. anticipate the types of injury that may be present.
b. decide if law enforcement should be notified.
c. determine needed laboratory tests.
d. predict the need for a surgical procedure.

3. The major preventable cause of death in the trauma patient is:
a. airway compromise.
b. ineffective ventilation.
c. secondary head injury.
d. uncontrolled hemorrhage.